Post-Circumcision Healing Tips

It can take up to six weeks to heal after a circumcision, so it’s important to follow post-circumcision advice closely. It’s important that you avoid contact sports, such as swimming, cycling, and swimming, after the procedure. Although the stitches or glue are likely to be sterile it is still best that you stay by your side and avoid major exercises and exams. You should also avoid lying on your stomach or back until the wound is completely healed.

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What Happens after Circumcision Surgery?

Parents choose to have their child circumcised for many reasons. Some people do it to protect their child against invasive diseases like syphilis. Some people perform the procedure for cultural or social reasons. The procedure is usually done in a hospital under the supervision of a doctor. The entire process can take up to several hours. You and your child will meet with the surgeon in a hospital setting to discuss the benefits and risks of the surgery.

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